Giovani persone tutte molto attente a socializzare... Attenzione all' uso sbagliato delle tecnologie!!
Täglich Mahnwache vor der chinesischen Botschaft in Berlin für Falun Gong-Praktizierende in China.
Flavius Markus
Where is the revolution? Antonio Negri, Time for Revolution, Transl. Matteo Mandarini, London, Bloomsbury 2003. I recommend reading this book.
Kunst oder Propaganda? Balkenhol Skulptur "Balanceakt" zum Jubiläum der Lügenpresse vom Springer Verlag
Mit Bildung zum Erfolg! With education to success?
Wealth for all! I'm not against the beautiful car, but against the exclusive possession for those who are rich!
This bank is barricaded for the expected demonstrations on May 1st in Berlin. The financial crisis happened because banks speculate on market financial.
Banken sind Verbrecher!! Gerettet mit Steuergeld verschanzen sie sich vor der Wut des Volkes!
C. Ciervo
Great graphics to understand the consequences of capitalism.
When people see Coca-Cola ads, they should think of crimes and misconduct on a worldwide scale so unthinkable that all of Coke's products become undrinkable!
Pablo Macias
business, money and a bit of culture
Old stalinist monument in Berlin in honor of the fallen of World War II. The rhetoric of war monuments does not help to reflect on the causes.
sanitation department
it seems that the banks are not very popular. They defend themselves proactively against throwing stones.
time to change
Old and beautiful or poverty?
Old socialist monument of the GDR. (East Germany until 1989). But what happened to the revolution? Quo vadis?
Gambling is a feature of capitalism: As gambling spreads, metaphor becomes reality!
Die Bio Company benimmt sich wie einen monopolistischen Weltkonzern: Nur ich und sonst keiner mehr!
This monument should commemorate the victory over Nazism, but it glorifies the war to much!
Coca Cola! Sorry but this company is ethically out of order!
fabio cavallucci
protesto contro la mancanza di fodi ai musei di arte contemporanea