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Donations/ Team

SendProtest is a permanent participative art project for civilian commitment against racism, sexism, homophobia, social injustice, urban and ecological disasters and all forms of exploitation by people of people.

The app is not profit-oriented and does not collect any data of the end users. Furthermore, the app has been technically designed to counter the phenomenon of “fake news”. (It's impossible to send manipulated protest photos or videos, images that can not be traced back to a real geographic location and a verifiable date.)

You can help us with your donation to continue to improve the app functions. We can use your donation to pay our programmers for necessary maintenance work.

Proof of the use of all donations will be made public from 2019 in the form of a financial report and can be accessed on the website

Costantino Ciervo, Berlin 11 May 2018 


Who are the people behind our project?

Costantino Ciervo is a video and media artist. He was born in Naples in 1961 and has been living in Berlin since 1984 – before the Wall came down in the city district of Kreuzberg, and now in his apartment and studio in Prenzlauer Berg. The range of themes he deals with include revolutions in the area of scientific and technological research and development, especially in IT and communications technology. He is also interested in ethical questions concerning people’s relationships to one another. Using different media such as installation, video sculpture, performance, but also photography, drawings and collages, he examines complex mechanisms in the society and culture of the capitalist world (

The SendProtest project aims to establish itself as an instrument for more democracy independent of his artistic authorship.

Manuela Lintl, art historian and author, initially worked in publishing houses and in the art business after graduating. She writes art reviews in newspapers, specialist magazines and has been writing her own blog for many years: She is especially attached to her work with Berlin junior school children producing their own school newspaper. Since 2008, she has been working together on a project basis with her partner Costantino Ciervo. SendProtest is their newest joint and first participatory (art) project.

IT specialists Erik Zocher and Florian Hardow together developed the first version of the SendProtest app for Android during the final stretch of their university studies. Erik Zocher also programmed and built the Internet database and website In addition, IT experts Prof. Klaus Rebensburg and Dr. Sebastian Fudickar worked as consultants during the implementation of the idea in the initial phase. Translator Lindsay Jane Munro helps us to translate the texts into English.

Matteo Corradin joined us in 2018 and he is programming the app for iOS with the help of donations raised from a successful crowdfunding campaign:

The app for iOS is at the same time an updated version with a new visual appearance, new functions and technical improvements. You can create your own account, for example. Contributions are now assigned to different categories, and recognizable faces can be pixelated. What is more, video recordings can last for up to max. 30 seconds and the text comment function has been extended to 250 characters and there is an option now to subsequently add to or correct it within a certain set period.

Furthermore, the website with its picture archives will be overhauled and updated. 


Presentations of the project:

We have already been able to present and discuss the Send Protest project at several exhibitions, festivals and congresses, among others at the Art Stays Festival in Slovenia and the EVA (Electronic Media and Visual Arts) Conference at the cultural forum of Berlin’s state museums (Kulturforum der Staatlichen Museen Berlin), in 2017 at re:publica in Berlin, the biggest conference of the digital society in Europe ( and in 2018 as part of the Transmediale Berlin.